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Teacher Registered Apprenticeship Programs: How Educator Preparation Programs Can Lead the Way

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Lois Kimmel, Dena Slanda, Shauntice Wheeler, Sara DeLano, Amelia Brown, Kate Hall, Susan Keesey
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Teacher Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAPs) show promise for addressing the critical need to increase, strengthen, and diversify the educator workforce. Educator preparatory programs (EPPs) can play a significant role in co-constructing the design, launch, support and implementation of RAPs in partnership with local school districts. This mutually beneficial collaboration can (a) increase EPP enrollment and degree completion, (b) support tailored preparation of teachers, and (c) lead to improved K-12 student outcomes. This webinar will discuss the important role EPPs play in the development of RAPs by highlighting mentorship, coaching, funding, and related program content including modified program experiences.

Objectives/Participant Outcomes:

  • Understand essential components of Teacher RAPs.
  • Learn the various models in which RAPs can be implemented along with the benefits and components of each model.
  • Grasp a clear view of possible cost and return on investment of effective RAPs.
  • Analyze opportunities to modify and enhance current programs to meet the needs of students who matriculate through a RAP.
  • Determine how to conduct research to evaluate best practices for RAPs.

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